Sonic Design : Project 2

Week 9 - Week 11 : 30 May 2023 - 18 Jun 2023

Tan Yi Yun 0345559
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 2/Audio Storytelling

PROJECT 2 : Auditory Storytelling

Students are to pick one popular fairy-tale story of their choice and create and audiobook. The task is a step up from auditory imaging whereby now the students not only need to think about suitable soundscape, but they need to record the voice with the suitable voice acting and bring it all together with sound effects to highlight and enhance the storytelling experience. Imagine that this is a show for radio. 

Here are some techniques that can be applied to edit our raw voice clips. 

Noise reduction
Select part of the clip
Effects/Noise reduction/Capture Noise Print

Select the entire clip
Effects/Noise reduction/Noise reduction (process)
Figure 1.1, Noise reduction (process), Week 9 (30/5/2023)

Before doing the compression (automation), we should do it manually first to reduce a few highest "spikes". 
Figure 1.2, Compression, Week 9 (30/5/2023)

Adjust the threshold to match the frequency of the unwanted sound (breathing). 
Figure 1.3, AutoGate, Week 9 (30/5/2023)
The story I have chosen is "Rumpelstiltskin", a German fairy tale. The story is about a little imp who spins straw into gold in exchange for a girl's firstborn child.

Storyline, Week 9 (2/6/2023)
I took screengrab from this read aloud video:
Figure 1.4, Images, Week 9 (29/5/2023)

When I was doing the compilation, I realized that the images were too blurry. In the end, I looked for another video and exported it in PNG sequence to preserve the quality (although I do not like the art style haha). This is the video source:

Figure 1.5, New images, Week 11 (17/6/2023)

I recorded my voice using Voice Memos. I narrate it with different emotions when different characters speak. I also reduce the high spikes to make the audio sounds more consistent. 
Figure 1.6, Voice editing, Week 10 (9/6/2023)

Voice-over (draft), Week 10 (9/6/2023)
I used pitch shifter and parametric equalizer to change the pitch of the miller's voice. 
Figure 1.7, Parametric equalizer, Week 10 (9/6/2023)

Figure 1.8, Pitch shifter, Week 10 (9/6/2023)

When I was trying to edit the voice of the king, I found the tone of voice and the pitch is too similar (because I record my voice for both characters). Instead of finding a friend to help me record, I utilized the AI voice and searched for a suitable voice to match the characters' personality as I wish the audio to sound as convincing as possible. 

One of the issues I encountered is I was forced to change the original script because of the word "die" presents in my script. Next, I also spent a few time to scan through the suitable narrator: they have different genders, age, style, talking speed and et cetera. It is an experimental process because I have never tried AI voice before. There is also a problem of AI not following the script exactly what I have written. This might due to the type of narrator I have chosen, since the problem resolved when I changed to another narrator. 

Figure 1.9, Generating AI voice, Week 10 (9/6/2023)

Figure 2.0, Generating AI voice, Week 10 (9/6/2023)

Audio Compilation (AI Voice)
Audio compilation (AI Voice), Week 10 (9/6/2023)

Then, it is time to add sound effects. I downloaded the sound effects from Freesound. Some of the background music is taken from YouTube that are free copyrighted. 
Figure 2.1, Sound effects, Week 10 (9/6/2023)

Draft 1
The major problem of this draft is the quality of the images, and the usage of AI voice (which doesn't fulfill the requirement). After the feedback session, I made a few changes, not just the images and voice, but also the sound effects to match the new visuals. 
Draft 1, Week 11 (16/6/2023)

During the consultation, Mr. Razif gived a suggestion to tune down the "s" sound (which is also called sibilance). There are tools called De-Essers that help with this problem. 

Figure 2.2, Demonstration of using De-Esser, Week 11 (16/6/2023)

Figure 2.3, Demonstration of using De-Esser, Week 11 (16/6/2023)

Re-record human voice (the little man and the king)
I asked my friends to record the dialogue of these two characters. Here is the original clip:
The little man, Week 11 (16/6/2023)

Stretch and pitch was applied to increase the talking speed and tuned up the pitch to sounds like an imp. 
Figure 2.4, Stretch and pitch, Week 11 (17/6/2023)
The clip below is an original clip of the king's dialogue. I applied pitch shifter to tuned down the pitch so that the voice sound thicker. 
The king, Week 11 (16/6/2023)

Figure 2.5, Pitch shifter, Week 11 (17/6/2023)

Next, I also slightly tuned down the high pitch and the bass to the entire narration clip. I created a bus and named it "narration" because I wanted to apply certain effects purely on the narration and dialogue.
Figure 2.6, Bus track, Week 11 (17/6/2023)
I applied DeEsser Hard, DeSher and adjusted Parametric Equalizer so that the voice-over will sound more pleasing to the ears. 
Figure 2.7, DeEsser Hard, Week 11 (17/6/2023)

Figure 2.8, DeSher, Week 11 (17/6/2023)

Figure 2.9, Parametric Equalizer, Week 11 (17/6/2023)

For the sound effects, I replaced the first part (pot stirring and cutlery noise) to granular stuff falling into a basin sound effect to match the latest visual. I applied the knowledge from previous exercise like amplitude, panning, parametric equalizer and reverb to the sound effects when necessary. 
Figure 3.0, Sound effects, Week 11 (17/6/2023)

Figure 3.1, Sound effects, Week 11 (17/6/2023)

Video compilation
Last but not least, the compilation of the visuals and the audio was done in Adobe Premiere Pro. I also added some simple animation like zooming the images. 
Figure 3.2, Sound effects, Week 11 (17/6/2023)

Final Submission
Final submission of auditory storytelling, Week 11 (17/6/2023)


Week 11 : 

The narration is good. Use human voice to replace the AI voice. This is to learn the fundamental skills of voice editing, which is part of the project requirement. But of course it's not wrong because of the advancement of technology, which you can use it for future projects. Also, enlarge the voice to reach between -6 and -3. The current "s" pronunciation is very sharp, you can apply De-Esser to reduce the spikes. 

I have learned a lot about the art of storytelling and the technical aspects of audio production. It actually brought back some memories of the storytelling competitions in primary school, in which I was given this story in Standard 5 and was trained to participate in a storytelling competition. This is the reason why I chose to retell this story. Back in the days I didn't have much access to the Internet and I was curious to see how "Rumpelstiltskin" looks like. Now this project allowed me to search for the visuals and I found it very interesting to look at different versions of the character. Besides, this project also allows me to explore the tool of AI Voice. I was aware of the advancement of AI and it was fun to try and experiment although in the end it should not be used for this project. By exploring noise reduction methods, I learned how to minimize background noise and distractions, like turning off fans or air conditioners, and choosing a quiet room. Additionally, I experimented with positioning the microphone correctly to capture clear and high-quality audio. For the sound effects part, I did not encounter much issues since most of them are available on Freesound and YouTube. I spent most of the time to tune the voice-overs to make them sound believable. Some of the raw clips cannot be used due to the problem of recording devices. The visuals part supposed to be easy, but then I wasted a lot of time because I couldn't find a set of visuals that match the story. The visuals I have chose initially were blurry, so I had to look for other sources and download the new video. I rendered it to PNG sequence, resulting in hundreds of images, and filtered out the scene that did not match the storyline. In the end, I am happy to see the final results.